The exhibition “Pojednanie/Reconciliation in Progress” which has been suggested by the German and the Polish Bishops’ Conference and prepared by the Maximilian Kolbe Foundation and the Osrodek Pamiec i Przysclosc on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the exchange of letters between the Polish and German Bishops will be presented at the Kronprinzenpalais from 18 November until 16 December 2015.
The intention of this German-Polish exhibition, which at the same time will be presented also in Wroclaw, is to critically appreciate a substantial part of the German-Polish reconciliation process and to make it fruitful for current challenges.
The exhibition will be accompanied by three events where important aspects of the subject matter will be discussed in detail. The discussions are to appreciate the historical dimension of the German-Polish reconciliation process and also address current challenges in the German-Polish relations resulting from the historical burdens. Finally the German-Polish experiences will be applied to other conflict situations in Europe.
1. “We forgive and ask for forgiveness. The exchange of letters between the Polish and German bishops and its effects”
Bishop em. Dr Alfons Nossol, Opole
Archbishop Dr Ludwig Schick, Bamberg, Maximilian Kolbe Foundation
Prof Dr Karl-Josef Hummel, Commission for Contemporary History
Dr Robert Zurek, IPN
Chairing: Tomasz Kycia, Wiez
Organizer: Polish Embassy in Berlin and MKF
Location: Landesvertretung Brandenburg
Date: 19 November 2015
2. “Mission accomplished? Do the German-Polish relations still need reconciliation work?“
Ambassador Dr Jerzy Marganski, Polish Embassy in Berlin
Dr Urszula Pekala, Mainz
Dietmar Nietan MdB, Federal Polish-German Society
Peter Weiß, MdB, Chairman of the Maximilian Kolbe Foundation and President of the Maximilian-Kolbe-Werk
Chairing: Dr Gerhard Albert, Renovabis
Organizer: Catholic Academy in Berlin and MKF
Location: Katholische Akademie Berlin
Date: 26 November 2015
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